Section V - testing


A very powerful feature of the actix-web crate is the built in service testing that comes out-of-the-box. We utilized this feature in as part of our integrated testing. Another more independent tool for service testing is Postman.

You can import the rust-daas.postman_collection.json file and perform the service tests.

On the command line, run the cargo run --bin sourcing command to start the service. (Or open a new command terminal and start the service using the executable in the target/debug directory).

PS C:\workspace\rust-daas> cargo run --bin sourcing
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.38s
     Running `target\debug\sourcing.exe`

Now you can open the stage-data POST request in Postman and monitor the logging on the command line of the running service.

Note If you get an error message stating "Could not broker document", then make sure to go into the file and check the value of the KAFKA_BROKERS variable.

The response payload should be the following:

    "status": "OK"

TIP If you start up a consumer (e.g.: Quick Start - Step 5), you should see the brokered DaaS object.

[kafka@brokerserver kafka_2.12-2.3.0]# bin/ --bootstrap-server mybroker:9092 --topic order-clothing-iStore --from-beginning
{"_id":"order|clothing|iStore|8003","_rev":"2-c295ee927aff853b50814447981173e0","source_name":"iStore","source_uid":8003,"category":"order","subcategory":"clothing","author":"istore_app","process_ind":false,"last_updated":1572021078,"data_obj":{"name":"high heals","status":"new"}}

Last updated

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