We're now ready to writing our executable: src/bin/order_clothing.rs.
We start by declaring our dependent external crates
extern crate daas;
extern crate kafka;
We then declare the modules we will be using.
use std::io;
use std::thread;
use kafka::consumer::{Consumer, FetchOffset, GroupOffsetStorage};
use daas::service::processor::{DaaSProcessor, DaaSProcessorMessage, DaaSProcessorService};
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel};
use serde_json::value::Value;
Next, we write the wrapper portion of the main function that will be called.
We then add the configuration settings hosts and topic which used by the service to the main function.
NOTE: Normally we would follow coding discipline and avoid hard coding configurations, (e.g.: hosts and topic ). However, for this workshop we will skip this practice for the sake of time. If you'd like to implement command line arguments when starting the service, you can use the clap crate to do so.
// configuration settings
let hosts = vec!("localhost:9092".to_string());
let topic = "order.clothing".to_string();
The DaaSProcessorService::start_listening function takes four parameters that we need to prepare before calling it:
Option for the Kafka client (which we will set to None)
callback function
// parameters
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let consumer = Consumer::from_hosts(hosts)
.with_group(format!("{}-consumer", topic.clone()))
Lastly, we add the section of the main function that will start the DaaSProcessor
However, since we want to first make sure everything is working correctly before adding any complex business logic, we will simply print the order number, store name, and order status to the console.
NOTE: On line 7 we define what to do with the data and on line 8 we return Ok(1) notifying the provisioning of the DaaSDocument was successful.
// start the processor
let _handler = thread::spawn(move || {
DaaSProcessor::start_listening(consumer, &rx, None, |msg: DaaSProcessorMessage, _none_var , _t: Option<&i8>|{
let mut doc = msg.doc;
let order: Value = serde_json::from_str(&String::from_utf8(doc.data_obj_as_ref().to_vec()).unwrap()).unwrap();
println!("Order Number {} from the {} has a status of {}...", doc.source_uid, doc.source_name, order.get("status").unwrap());
println!("Clothing Orders processor is running ...");
println!("Press [Enter] to stop the Clothing Orders processor.");
let mut input = String::new();
match io::stdin().read_line(&mut input) {
Ok(_n) => {
Err(error) => println!("error: {}", error),
When we are finished, our order_clothing file should look like the following:
extern crate daas;
extern crate kafka;
use std::io;
use std::thread;
use kafka::consumer::{Consumer, FetchOffset, GroupOffsetStorage};
use daas::service::processor::{DaaSProcessor, DaaSProcessorMessage, DaaSProcessorService};
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel};
use serde_json::value::Value;
fn main() {
std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "warn");
// configuration settings
let hosts = vec!("localhost:9092".to_string());
let topic = "order.clothing".to_string();
// parameters
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let consumer = Consumer::from_hosts(hosts)
.with_group(format!("{}-consumer", topic.clone()))
// start the processor
let _handler = thread::spawn(move || {
DaaSProcessor::start_listening(consumer, &rx, None, |msg: DaaSProcessorMessage, _none_var , _t: Option<&i8>|{
let mut doc = msg.doc;
let order: Value = serde_json::from_str(&String::from_utf8(doc.data_obj_as_ref().to_vec()).unwrap()).unwrap();
println!("Order Number {} from the {} has a status of {}...", doc.source_uid, doc.source_name, order.get("status").unwrap());
println!("Clothing Orders processor is running ...");
println!("Press [Enter] to stop the Clothing Orders processor.");
let mut input = String::new();
match io::stdin().read_line(&mut input) {
Ok(_n) => {
Err(error) => println!("error: {}", error),