Before we modify the service to perform our desired business logic, (to aggregate the clothing orders) we first want to check that the service is consuming the DaaSDcouments and extracting the data correctly.
Since this is a microservice that runs in the background, we will start the service using the .target/debug/ executable that is created by the cargo build command.
ArchConfWorkshopUser:~/environment/rust-daas (master) $ cargo build
Compiling rust-daas v0.1.0 (/home/ec2-user/environment/rust-daas)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 26.11s
NOTE: Make sure the all you dependent services are still runing: Zookeeper, Kafka, sorucing, and myapp_genesis
In a new terminal, run the following command:
ArchConfWorkshopUser:~/environment/rust-daas (master) $ ./rust-dass/target/debug/myapp_order_clothing
Clothing Orders processor is running ...
Press [Enter] to stop the Clothing Orders processor.
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...
Order Number 5000 from the iStore has a status of "new"...