Creating a Workstation
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virtual workstations kindly hosted by
First login to the AWS Console. Open your browser and navigate to the AWS Cloud9 Product page:
NOTE: Your instructor will provide you with the login information.
Make sure you are in the
US East N. Virginia (us-east-1)
Click on the Create Environment
Enter your name as the Name
of the new environment.
NOTE: Do not use the Name
The Instructor
Select the following:
Environment type: Create a new EC2 instance for environment (direct access)
Instance type: m5.large
Platform: Amazon Linux2
Cost-saving setting: After a day
Network Settings > VPC: vpc-aws-sandbox
Network Settings > Subnet: subnet-aws-sandbox-DMZ-subnet-A
Please add the following New Tag before clicking Next step
Click Next step
Your review page should look like this (with your own name as the Name
Click Create environment
After your environment is created, you should in your virtual workspace.